Weekly Update 3/5/20

This past Shabbos we were all uplifted with the special visit of the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva. The entire community enjoyed his shiurim and his chizuk, we look forward to next year iyh. The Kollel will be having Krias Hamegila at night 72 minutes after shkiya and Purim morning we will be having a vasikin minyan details will be posted.

Weekly Update 2/27/20

Baruch Hashem this week was one of tremendous simcha, as we celebrated 2 Brissim. The building was used to capacity, and the Kollel wishes only continued mazel and beracha to both balei simcha.

Weekly Update 2/20/20

Baruch Hashem we had a week of Beracha here in the Kollel, Rabbi and Mrs Horowicz and Rabbi and Mrs Linden both had baby boys this past Monday. The community is invited to The Horowicz Sholom Zochor in the Kollel and the Linden Sholom Zochor in their home at 12614 Burbank Blvd. The Brisim will Iyh take place Monday morning in the Kollel 12422 Chandler. Shacrhris at 640 to be followed by the Brisim at approximately 740. Next Shabbos, Parshas Teruma, will be a Shabbos of chizuk presented by the Kollel and BMG Lakewood Yeshiva. Look for details to be sent out early next week.

Weekly Update 2/13/20

This week Baruch Hashem was a very exciting week in the Kollel.  Rabbi Yakov Hafif started a new Wednesday night Iyun shiur from 9p until 945p, it was well attended, and wish him continued Hatzlacha.  The Kollel was also privileged to hear Dvrei Torah on the Parsha from Rabbi Stulberger, and appreciate the Kesher he has with the Kollel.

Weekly Update 2/6/20

This week was a very strong week in learning, as we advanced through the sugyos of Nat bar Nat, which are very lomdish and have a very relevant component to them as well.  Shabbos Parshas Terumah, February 29th, the Kollel looks forward to welcoming Hagon Reb Dovid Schustel for a BMG Shabbos.  Plans are underway and details will be posted over the next few weeks.

Weekly Update 1/30/20

This week we celebrated a Bris in the Kollel. It was so nice to have the entire Kollel community join together for a simcha, and hope to only share in future simchas together. We were also privileged to hear a shiur by Harav Hagoan Reb Shmuel Deutsch Shlita on the sugyos we are learning.  It was a tremendous opportunity to hear from a Gadol of his stature, and hear the clartiy and lomdus with which he approached the sugyos.

Weekly Update 1/23/20

This week in the kollel we had continued in depth learning of the sugyos. We will be having a short winter break Friday through Sunday. The regular schedule will resume Monday morning. All minyanim except for shabbos morning will not take place.

Bezras Hashem I will be making a Bris Sunday morning in the kollel schacris will be at 8 with the bris following. The sholom zochor will be at Rabbi Millman’s house 5534 Goodland Ave iyh all are welcome to join.

Weekly Update 1/16/20

This week in the Kollel we continued the engaging sugyos of Tam Kiikar as we navigated through the sugos in Pesachim and Nazir that discuss these topics. In the ongoing Hilchos Shabbos shiur we started the relevant sugyos of shiya and chazara. There are still a few slots for chavrusas at please feel free to contact Rabbi Millman at 310-854-2151.

Last week in the kollel hilchos shabbos shiur we celebrated the completion of Hilchos Bishul and had a mini test in which we had a fantastic chazara of the past 10 weeks of learning. Last Monday night we will be starting the Halachos of Shehiya and Chazara all are welcome to join.

Schedule note: The Thursday night chumash shiur will be taking a small break until the beginning of February, details will be posted when we resume iyh.