Weekly Update 1/2/20

This week  at the Valley Village Community Kollel was a special  week.   We finished the first very  challenging two month  sugya in  chulin,  and began the next sugya of Taam  Kikar.  The Kollel  also  partnered with  Valley  Torah  for the January first legal  holiday  shiur it was well  attended and all  enjoyed a very  well  delivered lomdishe  shiur by  Rabbi  Stulberger after which  Rabbi  Millman gave a schmooze related to  the Parsha and the simcha of the siyum hashas.

Weekly Update 12/26/19

This week, the Valley Village Community Kollel, had a fantastic shiur by Rabbi Revach on the halachos of non kosher foods as they pertain to businesses. We are partnering with Valley Torah for the January First legal holiday shiur and details can be seen on the Valley Torah website.

Friday thru Sunday the Valley Village Community Kollel will be taking a chanuka break and will NOT BE HAVING MINYANIM until Monday morning.  We look forward to resuming a regular schedule on Monday morning, iyh.

Weekly Update 12/19/19

Baruch Hashem the weeks limudim of the Valley Village Community Kollel have been going strong as we are starting the shulchan aruch on basar bechalav.  This past motzei shabbos the ladies melave malka was a tremendous success.  Everyone came away inspired, and we thank everyone who organized and made the evening such a success.  We look foward to next weeks’ legal holiday shiur by Rabbi Reach, which is sure to be engaging and important as he explores the halachos of non kosher foods, as they relate to businesses and employees.  The shiur will be at the Valley Village Community Kollel December 25th at 10am.

Weekly Update 12/13/19

Baruch Hashem we’ve had a very exciting week at the Valley Village Community Kollel, as the weekly chaburos given by the Avreichim have started. Two Avreichim each week give well organized, detailed, chaburos on the sugyos we are learning first Seder. In addition the Kollel was excited to run the Wednesday night Sharey Zedek learning program, with shiurim given by Rabbis Feinroth and Lifshutz. This week we had our ongoing medical ethics shiur delivered by Rabbi Ari Adler on the complicated issues dealing with end of life. The shiur was well attended by the Rabbonim and Doctors of our community.

Weekly Update 11/28/19

This week, Baruch Hashem weve made remarkable headway in the difficult sugyos of Taruvos.  We are working on clarifying the Rishonim and are soon going to move onto the Shulchan Aruch. Thursday was a real treat for all who attended the Yore Deah Legal Holiday Shiur by Rabbi Eidlitz. He discussed a wide array of topics ranging from the Mesorah of Kosher species, to the relevant Halachos of Bishul Akum.   All who came were amazed at Rabbi Eidlitzs mastery of Yoreh Deah and we look foward to the next Legal Holiday shiur which will be Iyh December 25, 2019.

This Week at a Glance – 11/17/19

The Zman has gotten underway beautifully with the kollel learning the challenging topic of Basar Bechalav and Taruvos.  Night seder has also gotten of to a very nice start and the community is welcome to join.  We are looking forward to the upcoming legal holiday shiurim, Thanksgiving, December 25th and January 1st.  Check the website for details and updates at http://vvck.org

Hilchos Shabbos Shiur – Monday Nights Smichas Hachaver Program

Monday nights from 8:45pm-9:45pm
This shiur covers, in detail, the intricate details of cooking on Shabbos, with a strong focus on practical halacha.  This shiur is modeled and follows the Smichas Hechaveer program, which has regular Chazara (review) and tests to reinforce the information.

Thursday Night Parsha Shiur

Join the Valley Community Kollel for a 30 minute intensive view on some of the hidden jems of the weekly Parsha, by Rabbi Binyamin Lifshutz.  Thursday nights at 830pm, upstairs.