Halacha Corner – 1/2/20

This week  we learned the halachos of warming up  a baby  bottle on  Shabbos,  There are two  very simple ways that are lechatchila. Number one to  put the bottle in  a kli  sheini,  or option  two ,  one can  pour  from  the urn  directly  onto  the bottle because the contact from  a pouring will  only  cook  the first layer i.e.  the plastic of the bottle and not the milk inside therefore this is a valid way to  heat up  the bottle. If one is very  careful  to  pour a little hot water in the milk  but you  have to  make sure that the milk  will  just warm  up  a bit but not reach level  of cooking, this requires special  attention to  just pour a little bit of hot water in the bottle.