Halacha Corner – 11/15/19

In the Hilchos Shabbos shiur we learned a very fascinating halacha.  There are many halachos that are relevant about the knas (penalty) imposed if a melacha was done for a yisroel by a non jew. We are all familiar with the din that if a non jew performs a melacha on shabbos you cannot benefit from that melacha that was done.  However, typically when motzei shabbos comes and the amount of time that it takes to do the melacha passes, it is then permitted to benefit. However, Reb Elyashiv maintains that a picture that was taken on shabbos, for example, at a family simcha if a goy took a picture, and then e mailed it to you after shabbos, because that picture is intrinsically a shabbos benefit, it would not help to wait until after shabbos.  Rather, this photograph is in fact assur forever.