Halacha Corner Removing Food from a Stove

This week we learnt about the relevant Halacha of removing food from one stove and placing it on another stove. In a practical sense this is most relevant in the event that a cholent is burning and one wants to place hot water in the cholent. If the hot water is in an urn and is hot then one is permitted to remove water from the urn in a cup and transfer the water into the cholent. This should preferably be done when the cholent is of the fire but if need be it can be done one can do it when its on the fire as well. However one should be careful to make sure that when you pour the water in to be careful that the food isn’t mixed by the oncoming water, therefore it is best to pour the water on the side of the pot in order for the water not to mix the food, however in the event this isn’t possible there are poskim that allow you to pour it directly onto the food itself, because even if the food mixes, this isn’t considered the normal way of mixing and would be permissible.