Parsha Minute – Beshalach

פרשת בשלח


ויאמר אם שמע תשמע לקול ה’ אלקיך וגו’… כל המחלה אשר שמתי במצרים לא אשים עליך כי אני ה’ רופאיך

Hashem tells Klal Yisreol, if you will listen to my voice and observe all my commandments, then any of the diseases that I placed upon mitzrayim I will not place on you, for I am Hashem, your Healer.

The obvious question is, if Hashem says that He will not place upon us any diseases, then why does He end off stating that he is our Healer?

The Nachlas Yaakov answers with a beautiful pshat. A doctor sometimes needs to inflict pain onto his patient while doing a procedure which also seems harmful to the body. Were someone to do the same to his enemy it would be considered barbaric, but when the doctor does it, the patient understands that is for his good, for it’s a necessary component to his very healing.

Hashem tells us, that if we will follow in His ways, He will always be considered to us as a Healer. Even if He strikes us with pain and suffering, it is always for our good. Unlike, the diseases he brought upon Mitzrayim which were intended to bring them suffering, any troubles He will bring upon us will be a part of our healing process, the atonement for our sins.