Parsha Minute – Chayei Sarah

In this week’s Parsha the Torah goes through length to describe the shidduch that transpired between Yitzchok and Rivka.  Reb Elya Boruch Finkel Z”L the great Maggid Shiur from the Mir Yeshiva in Yerushayim, posed a question.  He wondered why is it that the Torah describes the entire process of the shidduch between Rivka and Yitzchok, the Torah also will develop the shidduch of Yakov between Leah and Rochel.  However the Torah does not describe the shidduch between Avraham and Sarah. He explains that the stories of the Avos are written to teach us that Maseh Avos Siman Labonim, they are supposed to teach us valuable lessons, and for us to model our lives after.  He says that a critical component in shidduchim is the guidance one receives from ones parents.  It is of utmost importance to listen to their advice and hadracha. The shidduch of Avraham and Sarah was not with the guidance and advice of their parents, therefore in terms of a significant lesson for future generations their shidduch is omitted.  It is the shidduch of Yitzchak and Rivka that we learn the valuable lesson of the advice and guidance one must receive from ones parents and mentors.