Parsha Minute – Miketz/Chanukah

On Chanuka we are celebrating two seemingly different inyanim. On the one hand the gemara tells us that the yom tov of chanuka is to commerate the miracle of the pach shemen, however when looking at other midrashim and rishonim it would seem that there is a focus on the chanukas habayis, the rededication of the beis hamikdosh. We therefore read the krias hatora of the chanukas habayis to commerate that inyan as well. However there are Rishonim that take this point a step further and hold the name of the yom tov of chanuka is to rememeber the chanukas habayis this would indicate that this is the primary significance of the day not just something to remember. How does that work with the Gemara in Shabbos that is clear that it is to remember the pach shemen. The Maharsha says on the gemara in Shabbos that you have to say that there are in fact two components to the yom tov, there are the days of chanuka that are for the chanukas hamizbeach and there is the mitzva of the menora to remember the pach shemen.

This still requires further explanation because on other yomim tovim the mitzvos of the day parallel the day itself like matza on Pesach or a lulav on succos. However on Chanuka how does the lighting of the menorah resemble the chanukas hamizbeich. The answer could possibly be that the inyan of the Yevanim were to be against the unique relationship klal Yisroel has with hashem and especially the special level of shechina that resides within klal Yisroel more than the rest of the nations. The idea of shechina residing in klal yisroel is symbolized in the menora as the gemara says in Shabbos that it was the symbol of the shechina residing in Klal Yisroel. Therefore the nes of the pach hashemen in effect symbolized the highest level of the shechina residing in klal Yisroel. The idea of shechina residing within klal Yisroel was the purpose of the Mishkan. It therefore makes sense that the neiros were the vehicle with which to inaugurate the mizbeich to show that the shechina dwells within klal Yisroel.
With this we understand that the commeration of the chanukas hamizbeich is actually through the lighting the menorah, and that the nes of the pach hashemen was the ultimate display of hashem wanting his shechina to be within klal Yisroel to a point where there was a nes to make sure it wouldn’t stop for even one day. A Freilichin Chanuka.