Parsha Minute – Mishpatim

In this weeks Parsha we have another component introduced about Matan Tora, possibly the most famous words mentioned by Klal Yisroel, Naseh Venishma. There is a question raised by the meforshim, Klal Yisroel already said Naseh, on the second day, so why was it necessary to repeat it again and also what is the addition of naseh venishma. The Brisker Rav explains that the Targum adds that Nishma although commonly translated as, we will hear, actually means we will accept upon ourselves. He explains that there were in fact two critical things that took place at Matan Torah one being the acceptance to do the Mitzvos and the second the fact that we entered into a Bris with Hashem. This explains the Brisker Rav are the two responses of Klal Yisroel, one being the acceptance to do and that says the Brisker Rav was only necessary to accept to do because the question was for them to accept the MItzvos. However in Parshas Mishpatim when Klal Yisroel were now being introduced to a new facet of their connection to Hashem they were now entering a Bris with Hashem to become one with Hashem and accept anything that will be asked of them, this requires a special addition of Kabala an acceptance for an everlasting bond, this was the addition of Naseh Venishma.