Parsha Minute – Sh’mos

In Parshas Sh’mos the Torah introduces משה רבינו to us for the very first time. We know from חז”ל that there was a tremendous difference between the level of נבואה which Moshe merited in contrast to that of all other נביאים. The level of Moshe’s נבואה is compared by חז”ל to one who views something through an אספקלריא המאירה, a clear pane of glass, whereas the נבואה of all other נביאים is compared to one who views something through a אספקלריא שאינה מאירה, a clouded pane of glass. The Rambam in יד החזקה goes to great lengths to explain the tremendous difference in clarity of Moshe’s נבואה in contrast to that of all other נביאים. What was the unique aspect of משה רבינו that was the cause of this marked difference? The Rambam explains in his introduction to מסכת אבות that there are two basic realms of human perfection, intellectual perfection and character perfection. Intellectual perfection is the straightening of the individual’s intellect enabling it to comprehend the deepest concepts within reach of the human mind. Character perfection is the perfection of the individual’s personality. The Rambam explains that all נביאים needed to have attained complete intellectual perfection before being capable of receiving נבואה, yet they did not need to have achieved complete character perfection in order to merit נבואה. A נביא had to possess exemplary character but did not necessarily need to be of perfect character. The Rambam explains that all other נביאים had extremely slight faults in their character. These very slight faults created a certain clouding of their נבואה. Moshe though, was the only נביא who attained total perfection not only in his intellect but also in his character, leaving his נבואה completely untainted and clear. The Chazon Ish writes that the same is true with regards to the wisdom of Torah. The more refined one’s character is, the clearer his understanding of the Torah will be. The striving for understanding of הקב”ה and His Torah must always be accompanied by an equal striving for perfection of one’s character.