Weekly Update 1/16/20

This week in the Kollel we continued the engaging sugyos of Tam Kiikar as we navigated through the sugos in Pesachim and Nazir that discuss these topics. In the ongoing Hilchos Shabbos shiur we started the relevant sugyos of shiya and chazara. There are still a few slots for chavrusas at please feel free to contact Rabbi Millman at 310-854-2151.

Last week in the kollel hilchos shabbos shiur we celebrated the completion of Hilchos Bishul and had a mini test in which we had a fantastic chazara of the past 10 weeks of learning. Last Monday night we will be starting the Halachos of Shehiya and Chazara all are welcome to join.

Schedule note: The Thursday night chumash shiur will be taking a small break until the beginning of February, details will be posted when we resume iyh.