Weekly Update 2/20/20

Baruch Hashem we had a week of Beracha here in the Kollel, Rabbi and Mrs Horowicz and Rabbi and Mrs Linden both had baby boys this past Monday. The community is invited to The Horowicz Sholom Zochor in the Kollel and the Linden Sholom Zochor in their home at 12614 Burbank Blvd. The Brisim will Iyh take place Monday morning in the Kollel 12422 Chandler. Shacrhris at 640 to be followed by the Brisim at approximately 740. Next Shabbos, Parshas Teruma, will be a Shabbos of chizuk presented by the Kollel and BMG Lakewood Yeshiva. Look for details to be sent out early next week.